
What’s Coming Next for Ubuntu Linux? - ashtonhadis1991

With the release of Ubuntu Linux 12.04 "Precise Pangolin" less than a hebdomad ago, there's still plenty of excitement and discussion active this modish loop of Canonical's popular Linux distribution.


Time never stands still, however, so even as Precise Scaly anteater was making its ex officio debut, work was already beginning on its successor, which we've recently learned will be named Quantal Quetzal.

Also with an eye to the tense, Canonical founding father Mark Shuttleworth on Tuesday spent an time of day answering questions about what else is forthcoming refine the pike for Ubuntu in reading 12.10 and on the far side. A part of Ubuntu Open Week this workweek, Shuttleworth's "Ask Mark" session offered a compelling glimpse at what's to come.

'Ask Mark'

Organized at the beginning of each new release cycle, Ubuntu Open Hebdomad is a week of IRC tuition and Q+A sessions aimed at getting recently contributors neck-deep.

Kicking it all off is the "Ask Mark out" sitting, during which community members are invited to ask Shuttleworth questions or so the Ubuntu throw.

Questions this time or so multifaceted from queries about plans for the Unity desktop to Basic's relationships with hardware makers and beyond, but they provided interesting insight into Ubuntu's emerging directions.

You can sound out the full transcript for yourself in the IRC lumber, but hither are some of the key highlights.

1. Menus Won't Go away Soon

In reaction to i question regarding Ubuntu's new Head-Up Show port–and, particularly, what would need to be done to make it a possible replacement for the traditional menu system–Shuttleworth said there is no specific be after at this tip for that to take place.

"No concrete ideas, beyond keeping traditional menus around every bit provident as we need them for that purpose," he said.

Furthermore, "since we have all the data in the worldwide menu immediately, it should be possible for people to experiment with unimportant Python programs to mock up ideas or suggestions," he added.

2. Wholeness Is Two-Thirds Done

Unity provides a fitter screen background vanquis experience for users than Dwarf does, Shuttleworth asserted, reiterating mistakable comments he's made before.

"We incur criticized for victimization Firefox not Epiphany, surgery Rhythmbox non Banshee, or… you name it," he explained. "But the fact that we take a leak those tough decisions, with the standard being 'what works best out of the box for users,' is part of what makes Ubuntu important in the open reservoir ecosystem. That's how we've made open source useful for millions of some other people."

The user interface is directly about two-thirds of the way to fulfilling the original vision for IT, he added.

The next big decision, in fact, is how to merge the 2D and 3D versions, Shuttleworth said, and it's a tough one that will require developers to redo some work.

Quality, however, is continuously improving thanks to the fact that thither's right away significant QA underpin for the interface, He added.

"Information technology seems mass who were even very skeptical about Unity are compliant to give it some other shot," Shuttleworth said. "I intend the design vision is becoming clearer, and the team worked incredibly hard to address bugs and shortcomings."

3. Wayland Is on the Way

The new Wayland graphics system announced in Modern 2010 "will be exactly two years more mature for the next LTS," Shuttleworth said.

At the Saami time, "I guess X apps will constitute supported well on the far side that, and we'll make the pieces fit together smoothly on the way," he added.

4. A Unweathered Icon Base?

Rule has long hot to create a new icon theme, but a proper analytic thinking needs to atomic number 4 done before anything is actually implemented, Shuttleworth said. Toward that end, "we've pulled together some experts, some artists and interface gurus, to feeling at the expend of icons across the desktop. The artistry part will come later," he noted.

windows 8

5. Microsoft's 'Gutsy Choices'

Asked more or less Windows 8 and any opportunity it May present for Ubuntu, Shuttleworth remained diplomatic.

"I admire some of the gutsy choices Microsoft are making," he aforesaid. "It's vexed for them, and they are doing or s things very well. Credit where it is due."

"We are not hither because we hate anybody other," Shuttleworth added. "We're here because we have a vision of a future only we can create."

6. Ubuntu TV and Ubuntu for Android

Last but not to the lowest degree, when asked if any Ubuntu TV or Ubuntu for Android devices will come out soon, Shuttleworth answered in just one, interesting word: "mayyyyybe ;)"


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