
How To Repair C Drive Windows 7

CHKDSK is a Windows utility that can bank check the integrity of your hard disk and tin fix various file organisation errors.

CHKDSK (or chkdsk.exe) is brusk for "check disk".


  • 1 Screenshots
  • 2 How to run CHKDSK in Windows
    • CHKDSK in Windows XP
      • From Command Prompt
      • two.1.2 From My Computer
      • 2.i.three From the installation disc
    • 2.2 CHKDSK in Windows Vista
      • From Command Prompt
      • 2.2.2 From My Figurer
      • 2.two.3 From the installation disc
    • 2.3 CHKDSK in Windows seven
      • From Command Prompt
      • ii.iii.2 From My Computer
      • 2.3.3 From the installation disc
    • ii.4 CHKDSK in Windows eight or viii.1
      • two.iv.i From Command Prompt
      • 2.4.2 From My Estimator
      • two.4.3 From the installation disc
    • 2.5 CHKDSK in Windows 10
      • 2.5.i From Control Prompt
      • 2.5.2 From My Computer
      • two.v.three From the installation disc
  • 3 Commands and parameters
  • 4 Download chkdsk
  • v Troubleshooting
    • v.1 Cannot continue in read-only mode
    • 5.two Cannot run because the volume is in the utilise by another process
    • 5.iii Cannot lock current bulldoze
    • five.four stop chkdsk on every kicking
    • 5.five chkdsk won't stop
    • five.6 chkdsk won't run at startup
  • vi More Information
    • half-dozen.1 Support Links
    • 6.ii Applicable Systems

Information technology's recommended to use this utility when your computer shows various boot errors. The check deejay utility can exist run if you demand a fix for the following errors:

  • 0x00000024
  • Various blue screen of death errors
  • NTDETECT failed
  • Fatal error reading boot.ini
  • NTOSKRNL.EXE is missing or corrupt
  • 0x0000007B
  • 0xc0000001 on a Windows Vista computer
  • 0xc000014C on a Windows 8 computer
  • and others

The check disk utility can repair bug such equally:

  • bad sectors
  • lost clusters
  • cross-linked files
  • directory errors


The check disk tool can be run via Command Prompt or, if you tin boot into Windows from My Reckoner > Properties > Tools depending on the Windows version yous installed on your PC.

The command line tool can be ran on a Windows XP reckoner from within the Windows XP Recovery Panel:

chkdsk in Windows XP Recovery Console

The utility from within Windows XP, from My Computer and non Command Prompt:

chkdsk in Windows XP at My Computer

This is how you start a scan with the disk utility if you tin can kick into Windows Vista:

chkdsk in Windows Vista at My Computer

How to run CHKDSK in Windows

This utility is available for Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows seven and Windows 8 or 8.1.

If you can boot into Windows, you can run the check deejay utility on each hard bulldoze or partition you have available in My Reckoner.

If you tin't boot the operating arrangement, you can run the tool from Command Prompt either by booting your computer into the Recovery Style or by using the original installation disc to run Command Prompt.

CHKDSK in Windows XP

If you can boot into Windows XP, yous can run the utility either from the Command Prompt or from My Computer.

From Command Prompt

If you can't boot into Windows XP to run chkdsk, download Like shooting fish in a barrel Recovery Essentials – our recovery disk for Windows XP – and run Automatic Repair or Command Prompt directly. You can burn down EasyRE on CDs, DVDs or USBs.

To run the utility from the Command Prompt, follow these steps:

  1. Kick your figurer
  2. Go to Showtime
  3. Click Run
  4. Blazon cmd in the box:
    Windows XP - cmd command at Run
  5. Printing Enter
  6. You tin can now type chkdsk to open up the utility in a read-only fashion
    Windows XP Command Prompt
  7. Printing Enter
  8. To repair errors, follow these instructions:
    • To repair errors without scanning for any bad sectors, type chkdsk book: /f and press Enter, where volume is the letter of the drive y'all'd like to run a scan for, eastward.thousand. C: or D:
      Instance of a control yous need to type if your volume is C:
      chkdsk C: /f
    • To repair errors and scan for bad sectors, type chkdsk volume: /r and printing Enter, where volume is the letter of the drive yous'd similar to repair, due thousand. C: or D:
      Example of command you need to type if the volume you want to scan is D:
      chkdsk D: /r

From My Reckoner

If you can't kicking into Windows XP to run chkdsk, download Easy Recovery Essentials – our recovery disk for Windows XP – and run Automated Repair or Command Prompt directly. Yous can burn EasyRE on CDs, DVDs or USBs.

To run CHKDSK from within Windows XP, but without Control Prompt, follow these steps:

  1. Boot your computer
  2. Go to on My Reckoner (double-click on the icon)
  3. Right-click on the hard disk you'd like to run the utility on
  4. Click Backdrop
  5. Click Tools
  6. At the Error-checking tab, select Cheque At present
    Windows XP Error Checking in My Computer
  7. To run the utility in the read-only fashion, simply click Start
  8. To repair errors, follow these instructions:
    • To repair errors without scanning for bad sectors, select the Automatically fix file system errors box and click Beginning
    • To repair errors and scan for bad sectors, select the Scan for and endeavor recovery of bad sectors box and click First
  9. Once finished, the utility volition notify you if the scan reported errors (Errors were found and fixed.) or not (No errors were plant.)

From the installation disc

If you don't accept the installation disc to run chkdsk, download Piece of cake Recovery Essentials – our recovery deejay for Windows XP – and run Automated Repair or Command Prompt direct. Yous can burn EasyRE on CDs, DVDs or USBs.

If you lot tin't boot into Windows XP to run the utility use your original Microsoft Windows XP installation disc to open Recovery Panel.

To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Insert the installation CD in the disk tray
  2. Restart your calculator to kick from the CD
  3. At the "Press any key" message, printing any fundamental to make sure you kicking from the CD
  4. At the Windows Options menu, press R to open Recovery Console
  5. Enter the Administrator countersign
  6. When Command Prompt appears on your screen, blazon the control you need:
    chkdsk C: /r

    where C: is the letter of the drive where Windows is installed and the /r parameter will effort to repair errors and scan for bad sectors.

CHKDSK in Windows Vista

To run this utility on Windows Vista computer, you lot can choose any of the following methods:

  • From Control Prompt, if y'all can boot into Windows Vista
  • From My Computer
  • From the Recovery Console of your original installation


From Control Prompt

If you tin't boot into Windows Vista to run chkdsk, download Easy Recovery Essentials – our recovery disk for Windows Vista – and run Automated Repair or Command Prompt directly. Y'all can burn EasyRE on CDs, DVDs or USBs.

If you lot tin kicking into your operating organisation, run Command Prompt:

  1. Open Windows Vista
  2. Become to Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt or in the search box type Command Prompt and double-click the Command Prompt item available in the search results listing.
    Windows Vista - Run Command Prompt as Administrator
  3. When Control Prompt launches, blazon the command:
    chkdsk C: /r
  4. If Windows Vista is installed on another bulldoze that'southward not labeled as C:, supersede C: with the alphabetic character of your difficult disk:
    chkdsk D: /r
  5. Press Enter

If Command Prompt shows errors, try to run the command again until it shows no errors.

From My Computer

If you can't kicking into Windows Vista to run chkdsk, download Easy Recovery Essentials – our recovery disk for Windows Vista – and run Automated Repair or Command Prompt directly. You tin can burn EasyRE on CDs, DVDs or USBs.

You tin as well run the utility by going to Computer (My Computer):

  1. Click the Offset push button
  2. Go to Calculator
  3. Correct-click on the drive you desire check
  4. Click Properties
  5. At the Tools tab, under the Error-checking section, click Cheque Now
    Windows Vista - Error checking in My Computer
  6. If prompted, enter the Administrator countersign
  7. You can now run the disk check tool:
    • To automatically repair errors, select Automatically fix file organization errors
      chkdsk - Check disk options
    • To perform a thorough check, select Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors
    • You lot can too check both Automatically fix file system errors and Scan for and try recovery of bad sectors
  8. Click First

Don't use the estimator until the disk cheque is done. Information technology may take several minutes depending on the hard disk size.

From the installation disc

If yous don't take the installation disc to run chkdsk, download Easy Recovery Essentials – our recovery disk for Windows Vista – and run Automated Repair or Command Prompt directly. Yous can burn EasyRE on CDs, DVDs or USBs.

If you can't kicking into Windows Vista, use the original installation disc to open up Command Prompt (the Recovery Console) and run the commands you need:

  1. Insert the install disc and restart your computer
  2. Printing any key when the message appear to boot from the disk
  3. Click Repair your computer
    Install Windows Vista screen
  4. Select Command Prompt
  5. Enter the Ambassador password, if prompted
  6. When Command Prompt appears, type the command:
    chkdsk c: /r

    where C: is your hard disk drive drive's letter (can exist different from C: used here).

  7. Press Enter

CHKDSK in Windows vii

The steps to run this utility in Windows seven are similar to those of Windows Vista.

From Command Prompt

If you can't kick into Windows 7 to run chkdsk, download Like shooting fish in a barrel Recovery Essentials – our recovery disk for Windows 7 – and run Automatic Repair or Control Prompt direct. You lot can burn EasyRE on CDs, DVDs or USBs.

If you can kick into Windows 7, run the utility from Command Prompt directly:

  1. Click Offset
  2. Blazon cmd at the Search program and files search box
  3. Right-click on cmd.exe
  4. Click Run equally Ambassador
    Windows 7 - Run Command Prompt as Administrator
  5. Type in your Administrator countersign
  6. When cmd.exe opens, type the control:
  7. Printing Enter
  8. You tin can run the tool with more parameters, like this:
    chkdsk c: /r

    This will check the drive for errors and volition automatically try to set up any found errors.

  9. If yous receive the "Chkdsk cannot run because the book is in use by another procedure." message, blazon Y to restart the computer and let the utility to run a scan at the next boot of your PC
  10. After you typed Y, close the Control Prompt
  11. Restart the estimator by going to Beginning > Shutdown > Restart
  12. At the next boot, the check disk utility will automatically run a browse

From My Reckoner

If you can't kick into Windows 7 to run chkdsk, download Easy Recovery Essentials – our recovery disk for Windows 7 – and run Automated Repair or Command Prompt directly. You tin burn EasyRE on CDs, DVDs or USBs.

The check disk utility tin can besides exist ran from My Computer to bank check for errors on your hd.

To practise and so, follow these instructions:

  1. Right-click on the Showtime icon
  2. Click Open Windows Explorer
  3. On the left side of the window, click Calculator
  4. At the Hard Disk Drives section, correct-click on the book y'all desire to check for errors
  5. Click Backdrop
  6. Go to the Tools Tab
  7. At the Fault-checking section click Bank check now
    Windows 7 - Error checking in My Computer
  8. You can now run the bank check disk utility: select Scan for and endeavour recovery of bad sectors to permit the utility endeavour to repair any difficult drive errors found
  9. Click Kickoff

If the book you lot want to check is in apply, e.g. C:/ where Windows Vista is installed, y'all may receive the following error bulletin:

Windows can't bank check the disk while it'southward in use    Do you desire to check for hard disk drive errors the next time you start your computer?    Schedule disk bank check | Cancel

If so, follow these steps:

  1. Click Schedule disk check
  2. Exit any open up programs
  3. Restart your computer
  4. Your computer will at present restart and automatically kick and the utility will perform a scan automatically

If you receive the "Practice you want to dismount this volume get-go?" message, follow the steps below. This message appears if the volume yous want to checked is locked, even if it'south non in use (e.g. the C:/ drive):

Windows can't cheque the disk while information technology's in use    Do y'all desire to dismount this volume start? Note: All opened handles to this volume volition become invalid.    Force a dismount | Cancel

If so, follow these steps:

  1. Click Force a dismount
  2. A scan will automatically start at present

From the installation disc

If you don't accept the installation disc to run chkdsk, download Easy Recovery Essentials – our recovery disk for Windows seven – and run Automated Repair or Command Prompt directly. You lot tin burn down EasyRE on CDs, DVDs or USBs.

Follow these steps:

  1. Insert the original Windows disc
  2. Restart your PC and boot from the disc
  3. Click Repair your estimator
  4. Choose the operating system from the list
  5. Click Next
  6. Choose Control Prompt
  7. When it opens, type the command:
    chkdsk C: /f /r
  8. Printing Enter

CHKDSK in Windows 8 or

Windows 8 or 8.1 users tin can run this utility past choosing any of the following methods:

  • From Command Prompt
  • From My Calculator
  • From installation disc

From Command Prompt

If you lot tin't boot into Windows 8/viii.1 to run chkdsk, download Piece of cake Recovery Essentials – our recovery deejay for Windows 8/eight.1 – and run Automated Repair or Command Prompt directly. Y'all can burn EasyRE on CDs, DVDs or USBs.

To run information technology from Command Prompt, here are the instructions:

  1. Log into Windows 8/8.1
  2. Press the and C primal to open up the Charm bar
  3. Select Search
  4. Type-in cmd
  5. Correct-click on Command Prompt from the search results listing
    Windows 8 - cmd in search list
  6. Click Run every bit ambassador
    Windows 8 - Run as Administrator option
  7. Log in as an Administrator
  8. When Command Prompt launches, type the command:
    chkdsk C: /f /r /x

    The parameters for this control are: /f choice will attempt to gear up any found errors /r option will locate for bad sectors and recovery any readable information /ten choice volition force the volume you're about to check to be dismounted before the utility begins a scan If the C: drive is in use, type Y to run a scan at your PC's adjacent restart. If so, exit Command Prompt and restart the estimator.

From My Figurer

If you can't kicking into Windows 8/8.1 to run chkdsk, download Piece of cake Recovery Essentials – our recovery disk for Windows 8/8.1 – and run Automated Repair or Command Prompt directly. You tin burn EasyRE on CDs, DVDs or USBs.

To run the check deejay utility from Reckoner (My Computer), follow these steps:

  1. Kick into Windows 8/8.1
  2. Double-click on Estimator (My Computer) to open it
  3. Select the bulldoze you lot want to run a check on, eastward.g. C:\
  4. Right-click on the drive
  5. Click Properties
  6. Go to the Tools tab
  7. Select Check, at the Error checking section
  8. If you receive the following bulletin, click Scan bulldoze to begin the scan:
    You don't need to scan this drive  We haven't found whatever errors on this drive. You tin can even so browse the bulldoze for errors if you want.  Scan Drive
  9. You can keep using the drive during the scan. If errors are found, yous tin can decide if y'all want to fix them. Depending on the results of this scan, the utility will report the results:

    If no errors were constitute, you'll meet this message:

    Your drive was successfully scanned Windows successfully scanned the drive. No errors were found.

    If errors were constitute, you lot'll see this bulletin instead:

    Restart your computer to repair file system. You lot can restart right away or schedule the fault fixing on side by side restart.

From the installation disc

If you don't accept the installation disc to run chkdsk, download Easy Recovery Essentials – our recovery disk for Windows 8/eight.1 – and run Automated Repair or Command Prompt directly. Y'all tin burn EasyRE on CDs, DVDs or USBs.

If yous tin can't boot into Windows 8/viii.1 to run Command Prompt, you can utilise the original Windows eight/8.1 installation disc to run Control Prompt from in that location.

To exercise then, follow these instructions:

  1. Insert the installation disc
  2. Restart your computer
  3. Press whatever cardinal to boot from the disc, at the "Printing whatsoever key to boot from CD or DVD…" bulletin
  4. Choose your keyboard layout
  5. Select your language, fourth dimension and a keyboard method
  6. Click Next
  7. Click Repair your computer

  • At the Choose an option screen, click Troubleshoot
  • At the Troubleshoot screen, click Advanced options
  • At the Advanced options screen, click Control Prompt
  • When Command Prompt launches, type the command:
    chkdsk C: /f /x /r
  • Press Enter

CHKDSK in Windows 10

Windows 10 users tin run this utility by choosing whatever of the following methods:

  • From Command Prompt
  • From My Computer
  • From installation disc

From Command Prompt

If yous can't kick into Windows ten to run chkdsk, download Easy Recovery Essentials – our recovery disk for Windows 10 – and run Automated Repair or Command Prompt directly. You can burn EasyRE on CDs, DVDs or USBs.

To run it from Command Prompt, here are the instructions:

  1. Log into Windows ten
  2. Press the key to open up the Start Carte
  3. Select Search
  4. Blazon-in cmd
  5. Correct-click on Command Prompt from the search results list
  6. Click Run as administrator
  7. Log in equally an Administrator
  8. When Command Prompt launches, type the control:
    chkdsk C: /f /r /x

    The parameters for this command are: /f pick volition attempt to ready any constitute errors /r pick volition locate for bad sectors and recovery any readable data /x option volition force the volume you're about to cheque to be dismounted before the utility begins a browse If the C: drive is in use, blazon Y to run a scan at your PC'due south next restart. If and then, get out Command Prompt and restart the computer.

From My Calculator

If you can't boot into Windows 10 to run chkdsk, download Piece of cake Recovery Essentials – our recovery disk for Windows 10 – and run Automated Repair or Command Prompt directly. You lot can burn EasyRE on CDs, DVDs or USBs.

To run the bank check disk utility from Figurer (My Computer), follow these steps:

  1. Boot into Windows 10
  2. Double-click on Calculator (My Reckoner) to open up it
  3. Select the drive y'all want to run a check on, e.g. C:\
  4. Right-click on the drive
  5. Click Properties
  6. Go to the Tools tab
  7. Select Cheque, at the Error checking section
  8. If you lot receive the following message, click Scan drive to begin the scan:
    Y'all don't need to scan this bulldoze  Nosotros oasis't constitute any errors on this bulldoze. You tin still scan the drive for errors if you lot want.  Browse Drive
  9. Yous can keep using the bulldoze during the scan. If errors are found, you can decide if you want to fix them. Depending on the results of this browse, the utility volition report the results:

    If no errors were establish, you'll see this message:

    Your bulldoze was successfully scanned Windows successfully scanned the bulldoze. No errors were found.

    If errors were establish, y'all'll encounter this message instead:

    Restart your calculator to repair file arrangement. You can restart right abroad or schedule the error fixing on next restart.

From the installation disc

If you don't have the installation disc to run chkdsk, download Easy Recovery Essentials – our recovery disk for Windows x – and run Automated Repair or Command Prompt directly. You can burn EasyRE on CDs, DVDs or USBs.

If you can't kicking into Windows 10 to run Command Prompt, yous can employ the original Windows 10 installation disc to run Control Prompt from there.

To do so, follow these instructions:

  1. Insert the installation disc
  2. Restart your computer
  3. Printing any key to boot from the disc, at the "Press any key to kicking from CD or DVD…" message
  4. Choose your keyboard layout
  5. Select your language, fourth dimension and a keyboard method
  6. Click Next
  7. Click Repair your calculator


  8. At the Choose an option screen, click Troubleshoot


Commands and parameters

The bank check disk utility has several parameters that yous tin can use:

/c – applicable to a NTFS book simply

/f – this option fixes errors on a volume

/i – applicable to a NTFS volume merely. This option performs a cheque of index entries

/r – this option also implies the /f and /p pick. This choice locates the bad sectors of your difficult drive and recovers whatsoever readable information

Depending if you run the utility from Command Prompt or Recovery Console, the following parameters are different:

/p – this fixes any errors on a book. In your standard Control Prompt /p is only read-simply

The mandatory requirement of this utility is the volume yous're about to cheque must not be locked. If a book you're about to scan is locked, you lot'll receive this message:

Chkdsk cannot run because the volume is in utilize by some other process. Would yous like to schedule this volume to be checked  the next time the system restarts? (Y/N)

If so, blazon Y and press Enter to perform a scan at the next boot of your organization.

Download chkdsk

chkdsk tin can't be downloaded as it's a command available with Windows. Yous can use the original installation disc to run the utility tool.

Y'all can download Piece of cake Recovery Essentials and open Command Prompt to run specific chkdsk commands:

You tin burn Like shooting fish in a barrel Recovery Essentials to CDs, DVDs or USBs and run Control Prompt.

  1. Download Easy Recovery Essentials
  2. Fire the ISO Image. Follow our instructions on how to burn a bootable ISO image. If y'all'd like to have a recovery USB instead, follow our instructions on how to brand a recovery USB.
  3. Kicking into the recovery media
  4. Select Launch Command Line


Cannot proceed in read-only mode

If you receive the "Errors found. CHKDSK cannot go along in read-simply fashion." error message afterwards running a check deejay control, make sure you run the command with the /r parameter:

chkdsk /f

If the disk check utility must be ran on another volume, update the command with the letter of the drive you want to run a scan for:

chkdsk D: /f

Cannot run because the volume is in the apply past some other process

If you receive this error bulletin when running the tool:

Chkdsk cannot run because the volume is in the use past another process. Would you similar to schedule this volume to be checked the adjacent time the system restarts.

You lot demand to blazon Y to brand sure the utility runs at the adjacent boot. If so, type Y, restart the estimator and allow the tool to perform the scan.

Cannot lock current drive

If the bank check disk utility shows the "Cannot lock current drive." fault bulletin, make sure the command you lot're performing has the /r selection:

chkdsk /r

If this doesn't work, try disabling Organisation Restore for the entire session you're trying to run a scan and other protection software, such as: antivirus, firewall, spyware etc.

Some other alternative command is:

chkdsk C: /f /r /x

terminate chkdsk on every boot

If the utility runs a scan at every kick without stopping, y'all can effort a few solutions.

Before you follow the instructions beneath, make sure you allow the browse to be 100% completed and then restart your computer.

If the check disk runs once more, even if the previous browse was 100% complete, continue with the steps below.

Fix #ane: Check if at that place is a scheduled browse. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Open Control Prompt
  2. Blazon chkntfs c:, where c: is the letter of the drive you ran a cheque
  3. Press Enter
  4. If the message is the post-obit, then a check scan is scheduled on the c: drive:
    The blazon of file organization is NTFS. Chkdsk has been scheduled manually to run on adjacent reboot on volume C:.
  5. If there isn't whatever scheduled browse, the message will be:
    The blazon of the file system is NTFS. C: is not dingy.
  6. To cancel a scheduled scan, type:
    chkntfs /x c:

Fix #ii: Another option to fix this issue is to open the Registry Editor:

  1. Boot into Windows
  2. Open the Registry Editor
  3. Get to this key:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager
  4. At the BootExecute cardinal, cheque the value.If the value is autocheck autochk * /., you need to change it to autocheck autochk *

chkdsk won't stop

If the utility won't finish a browse, make sure y'all run the control with the /r parameter, like this:

chkdsk /r

chkdsk won't run at startup

If the bank check disk won't run a scan at startup after beingness scheduled to do and then, follow any of the post-obit fixes.

Prepare #1: Bank check the BootExecute key in the Registry Editor:

  1. Open Registry Editor
  2. Find this cardinal:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager key
  3. Cheque the value for the BootExecute central.If the value is autocheck autochk * /., y'all need to change information technology to autocheck autochk *

Fix #2: Run sfc

You can also run the sfc /scannow command and so run chkdsk /r again:

  1. Open up Control Prompt
  2. Type the command:
    sfc /scannow
  3. Press Enter
  4. After the sfc process is complete, run the bank check deejay utility.

More Data

Support Links

  • Easy Recovery Essentials for Windows – our repair and recovery disk.

    It's an easy-to-use and automated diagnostics disk. Information technology's available for Windows viii, Windows 7 and Windows Vista. It's also available for Windows XP and Windows Server.

    Read more than at Windows Recovery Disks.

  • The NeoSmart Support Forums, fellow member-to-member technical support and troubleshooting.
  • Go a discounted price on replacement setup and installation discs: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows seven, Windows 8, Windows x, Windows eleven, Windows Server 2022.

Applicable Systems

This Windows-related knowledgebase article applies to the following operating systems:

  • Windows XP (all editions)
  • Windows Vista (all editions)
  • Windows vii (all editions)
  • Windows 8 (all editions)
  • Windows eight.1 (all editions)
  • Windows 10 (all editions)
  • Windows 11 (all editions)
  • Windows Server 2003 (all editions)
  • Windows Server 2008 (all editions)
  • Windows Server 2012 (all editions)
  • Windows Server 2016 (all editions)
  • Windows Server 2019 (all editions)
  • Windows Server 2022 (all editions)

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