
How To Restart Audio Windows 10

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Have you ever experienced a restart issue with Windows Audio Service? If yes, here is a guide to help you through this issue with easy tips. Many users have said that they get a Windows Sound Service needs a restart error message every time they restart their estimator. You may also encounter a problem while playing videos, music, and playing games. It is observed while watching YouTube videos and can be caused due to outdated drivers, a large amount of cache data, or installation bug in the Sound service itself.

Windows Audio Service needs restart

If the Windows Sound Service needs to be restarted manually at login to go the sound back, you tin can try the following suggestions to fix the issue:

  1. Check dependencies of the Windows Audio Service
  2. Manually restart Windows Audio Service
  3. Update or Rollback Audio driver
  4. Run Audio Troubleshooter
  5. Troubleshoot in Make clean Boot State

Let united states of america expect at these solutions in more detail.

ane] Cheque dependencies of the Windows Audio Service

Windows Audio Service manages sound for Windows-based programs. If this service is stopped, audio devices and effects will non function properly. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to kickoff. For it to perform normally, its following Dependencies too should be working ordinarily.

  • Windows Audio Endpoint Builder Service
    • Startup – Automated
    • Condition – Running
  • Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
    • Startup – Automatic
    • Status – Running

So ensure that the Service configuration of these 2 Services is as mentioned.

Related: Audio device is disabled in Windows.

two] Manually restart Windows Sound Service

At present having checked the Dependencies, yous can and so restart it manually.

Windows Audio Service needs a restart

Yous need to ensure the following configuration:

  • Windows Audio Service
    • Startup – Automatic
    • Status – Running

For the same, you can follow the below-mentioned steps:

  • Press the Win + R key together and then type services.msc in the empty bar and click on Enter.
  • Locate Windows Audio Services in the Service window.
  • Right-click on the Windows Audio Service option and select Restart.
  • Double click on the same service and launch the Properties window.
  • Ensure that the Startup blazon is set up to Automatic.
  • Click on Utilise and Ok buttons to save the changes made.

Windows Audio Service needs a restart

Restart the reckoner and run into if you tin can play both music and video.

Related: Audio is missing or not working on Windows

3] Update or Rollback Audio driver

An outdated commuter might also be the reason for the Sound Service issue. In such a case, y'all can update the audio driver to the latest version.

Follow 1 of the methods below to update your device drivers:

  1. Y'all may check for Driver Updates via Windows Update to update your drivers
  2. You may visit the manufacturer's site to download the drivers.
  3. Use a free driver update software
  4. If you lot have the INF driver file already on your computer then:
    • Open upDevice Managing director.
    • Click the driver category to expand the card.
    • And so cull the relevant commuter and right-click on it.
    • SelectUpdate Driver.
    • Follow the on-screen wizard to finish updating your audio drivers.

If you recently updated your Audio driver and then started facing this issue, then you may want to consider a Rollback.

Related: Fix Sound and Audio problems and issues

4] Run Sound Troubleshooter

Playing Audio Troubleshooter

Windows 11/ten already includesPlaying Sound Troubleshooter andRecording Sound Troubleshooter, which you can hands invoke via the Control Panel, the Taskbar Search or the Troubleshooters tab of our freeware FixWin. You tin can likewise access the Troubleshooters Folio in Windows 11/10.

Run it and encounter if that helps.

five] Troubleshoot in Make clean Kick Country

Windows Audio Service needs a restart

Perform a Clean Kicking:

  • Open up your organisation every bit an Administrator. Printing the Win + R key together to launch the Run dialogue box.
  • Now type MSConfig and then hit Enter to proceed with the steps.
  • Go to the Services tab, enable the checkbox Hide all Microsoft services and, click on the Disable button.
  • Now, select the Startup tab followed past the Open Task Manager option.
  • Select the program that is creating a nuisance and and so click the Disable button. Repeat the footstep till all the running programs are closed.
  • In one case the above task is completed, close the Chore Manager. Click on Ok in the System Configuration window.
  • Restart the device.

One time in Clean Kick State, you need to manually locate the offender and so disable or remove that process or plan.

We hope this guide helps yous. Do allow us know in case of whatever suggestions.

Boosted help links:

  • Windows could not starting time the Windows Sound service on Local Computer
  • No Audio in Windows apps like XBOX Music or Video applications
  • Audio Baloney issues in Windows
  • Troubleshoot No Video, Audio or Audio in Skype calls
  • How to enable Mono Audio in Windows.

What is Windows Audio Service?

Windows Sound Service manages the audio device for Windows-based programs. If it stops working, the audio devices and effects will not piece of work properly. If this service is disabled, any service that depends on information technology will not start.

How do I restart Windows Audio Service?

restart Windows Audio Service

Practice the following to manually restart the Windows Audio Service:

  • Press the Win + R key together and and then type services.msc and click on Enter
  • Locate Windows Audio Services in the Service Managing director window
  • Double-click on it to open its Backdrop box
  • Click on the Beginning push
  • Click Apply and exit.

How exercise y'all know if the computer has inbuilt speakers?

You tin can right-click on the book icon that is located in the system tray on the correct side of the desktop. Select the Playback devices. Click on the Playback tab and see if the speaker is located in the window.

restart Windows Audio Service


Anand Khanse is the Admin of, a 10-year Microsoft MVP (2006-xvi) & a Windows Insider MVP. Please read the entire mail service & the comments beginning, create a Organization Restore Point before making any changes to your system & be careful about whatsoever tertiary-political party offers while installing freeware.


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